Crafting Champions, Nurturing Individuals
What sets J.C.E Sports Management apart is our wealth of experience and qualifications in youth and pathway programs, mental health and wellbeing initiatives, as well as education and mentoring. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and values, ensuring that our clientele is not just a roster but a select and unique community.
Contract Negotiations
JCE, a premier NRL player agency, specialises in contract negotiations. Our dedicated team navigates complex player contracts with precision and expertise, ensuring optimal terms and conditions for our clients. Trust JCE to secure the best deals and maximise your career opportunities in the NRL.
Pre-Season Training and Skill Building:
Leveraging our extensive NRL experience, we provide players with the opportunity to engage in both group and personalised pre-season training sessions.
Professionalism Education & Mentoring
We conduct workshops aimed at educating our players on the multifaceted responsibilities of a professional Rugby League player, both on and off the field. Highlighting the importance of an individuals brand, JCE offers expert support in creating and maintaining a successful brand image. JCE's Mentoring program goes beyond the game, offering comprehensive guidance and support on a holistic level.
Mental Health Support/Navigation
Recognising the importance of mental well-being, we provide support and navigation services, helping clients access mental health support networks when needed.
Future/Vocational Planning
Goal Setting for Life After Rugby League: Our focus extends beyond the playing field, assisting players in setting and achieving goals for their post-professional Rugby League careers.